Rats – 1st King 3:16-28Rats are destructive, they are one invasive species of rodents that no one wants, no home, city or council likes to deal with them. They destroy things ranging from home interior, building parts and even in severe cases, city infrastructure. And they leave their mark everywhere, they have a bad smell either alive or exterminated which can linger for days.

The best way to deal with them is to lure them out and trap them or to prevent their entrance all together.

King Solomon faced a similar encounter as king of Israel, it was in his earliest days as King, 2 women contended for the custody of a child, each claiming to be its mother and it caused too much noise and rancour. Solomon had state matters to attend to but he had to deal with this.

He smoked them out and set a trap to establish who was the mother and who was the impostor. He acted as though he was going to ‘divide’ the child, promoting the real mother to intervene and stop the whole process.

She would rather lose custody than lose her child’s head. Solomon’s wisdom was accurate, the book of proverbs is full of wisdom, It deals with our foolishness and cleanses our minds.

Foolish thoughts are like impostors, they are invasive, but the wisdom of God is the greatest exterminator of ignorance.

It brings clarity, sanity and soundness!
