My first and only experience on a rollercoaster ride was very scary, I passed out mid air and swore never to try it anymore.

Before getting on the ride, I was very edgy. I almost quit and turned back, after all it was my money right? I didn’t need to put myself through this. However I also felt the need to it see it through, to do something daunting and feel that adrenaline rush.

While strapped in, the nerves came again and I wanted to quit, but at this point the queue behind me was quite long and we were almost about to begin, to decide to forego the ride would cause so much distruption and I didn’t want to be that person.

As the ride gingerly began, I could do either of 2 things:
Relax and enjoy it ; or scream and give in to fear. Well the latter took over and I lost it, πŸ˜† 🀣 πŸ˜‚, I even passed out during the ride.

This is often how the quest of life is, the beginning seems like you are walking eyes open into the sea, you can either turn back and give up, go through it in fear and drown or walk over it with the captain’s guidance.

Jesus upon his resurrection asked his disciples to wait for the coming of the Spirit, who was to be with them and guide them to be his witnesses.

Imagine the fear and uncertainty, to wait for what? Which Spirit? What does he look like? Where are you Jesus? What power is coming?

With looming persecution it seemed Jesus left them with more questions than answers.

But Oh thank God! they waited, thank God they held their peace, for when the Spirit indeed came, fear died. Boldness came and the bible says they turned the whole world upside down.

It’s the same with you today, that dream in your heart may seem daunting, that new business may look like the beginning of a scary ride, please hold on, instruction will come and you’ll ride the waves and get to the end.

Don’t give up, wait for divine instructions, walk with the Spirit and enjoy the ride πŸ˜€ 😎
